3 Ways to Reset Your MySQL Root Password

There are two ways to reset the MySQL root password when you don’t know it and one way to reset it if you do know it. However, none of these methods is foolproof since they all rely on the password file stored in the MySQL directory (usually /var/lib/Mysql).
If this file becomes corrupted or deleted, you’ll have to restore it from backup or reinstall MySQL altogether – not ideal if you want your database restored quickly and easily. It’s best to take precautions ahead of time by storing an extra copy of your password file in a separate location.
One way is to get it via command line
If you have access to the server where MySQL is running, you can reset the root password from the command line. To do this, stop the MySQL server, then restart it with the –skip-grant-tables option. This will allow you to connect to the server without a password. Once you’re logged in, you can change the password for the root user. Finally, restart MySQL without the –skip-grant-tables option to enable password checking again. You should now be able to log into MySQL as root and your new password should work.
The other way is to get it via the web interface: Login to phpMyAdmin or another similar interface on the MySQL server, go to the user tab, a select root from the list of users on the left-hand side of the screen, click Change, type in your desired new password twice, then press Go. Again you need either physical access or authentication over SSH for this method. In order to use this method, you’ll need to open up port 3306 on your firewall if you don’t already have it open.
Finally, there’s the third way which is what I recommend most people do when they don’t know how to set their own MySQL root password but they know how to change their WordPress database username and password: Open up WordPress admin panel > Tools > Options > General > Security. Here find the Username under Database Settings and enter whatever username you want WordPress to use when connecting to MySQL. Then click Save Changes. Now when you visit wp-admin/user-new.php you should see a message that says Username doesn’t exist yet.
Click the button to create one. Enter a unique password (WordPress has forgotten all about its old default one), make sure Remember Me is unchecked, and then click Create User. WordPress will now prompt you to log in with your new credentials, so enter them and proceed as normal with your site management tasks!
Another way is via PHPMyAdmin
- Log into your cPanel and click on the PHPMyAdmin icon.
- In the left-hand column, click on the database you want to work with.
- In the top menu, click on Users.
- Find the user you want to change the password for and click on Edit.
- Type in the new password in the Password field, confirm it in the next field and then click Go at the bottom of the page. 6. Now log out of PHPMyAdmin and try logging back in using the new credentials. If successful, you will be able to manage your database as usual! The same goes for another way – resetting a password via command line: 1. Log into your server via SSH or FTP and navigate to the location where your database files are stored (normally /var/lib/MySQL). 2. Open up a terminal window
The third way is using the process of elimination
If you’ve forgotten your MySQL root password and can’t seem to find it anywhere, don’t worry. There are a few ways you can reset it. The first way is by using the mysqladmin command. The second way is by editing the user table in the MySQL database. And the third way is by using the process of elimination. For example, if you’ve forgotten your MySQL root password and can’t seem to find it anywhere, don’t worry.
There are a few ways you can reset it. The first way is by using the mysqladmin command (see below). The second way is by editing the user table in the MySQL database (see below). The third way is by using the process of elimination: If you’ve forgotten your MySQL root password and can’t seem to find it anywhere, don’t worry. There are a few ways you can reset it.