Sprint Plans for Success: The Best Sprint Plans for July

Sprint is the fourth largest mobile carrier in the United States, but it’s still trying to compete with the big three of Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. Sprint offers several different cell phone plans each month, including Pay As You Go, but which ones are the best? Let’s take a look at the plans offered by Sprint this month and see which one is right for you.
Choosing the Right Plan
- The best T-Mobile plans this month are their Unlimited, One Plus and One Plus International plans. Both the Unlimited and the One Plus International provide unlimited talk, text and data with a limit of 4G LTE speed (T-Mobile has three different tiers of data speeds). The One Plus International plan provides international calling, whereas the Unlimited does not. Additionally, if you are a business user or traveler abroad who needs access to roaming services on your phone while traveling outside of North America, then the One Plus International is the plan to choose.
How We Tested
We created a list of the top three different sprint plans that are offered on various cell phone carriers. We then decided to rank them according to their pricing, data limits and customer reviews. Our findings can be found below:
- AT&T – $60/month with up to 10GB of data and unlimited talk and text
- Sprint – $50/month with up to 5GB of data
- Verizon – $70/month with up to 20GB of data and unlimited talk and text
Your Key Questions Answered
- What are the best Sprint plans this month?
- How do I choose the best plan?
- What are the benefits of switching to a Sprint plan?
- Which one is right for me?
The Year’s Fastest Mobile Networks
One of the most important factors to consider when looking at plans is coverage. We looked at how many people in each area are covered by a network, including both indoor and outdoor coverage in a five-mile radius. T-Mobile has the best coverage, with 98% of people living within range of one or more T-Mobile towers. AT&T comes next with 95% coverage. Verizon and Sprint are tied for last place with 84%.
Why Ookla Speedtest?
Ookla Speedtest is the best all-around app on the market. It lets you test your internet connection and see how well it performs across different networks, so you can make sure that you are getting the most out of your plan.
It also has a Speed Test function that lets you run a quick test to figure out if your service provider is throttling or if there is a problem with your router, modem, or ISP.
What We Tested
We conducted a series of tests to see which carrier had the best combination of coverage, network quality, and price. To test coverage and network quality, we called phone numbers in various locations around the U.S., including Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Francisco, New York City, Chicago, Atlanta and Miami. We also used Ookla’s Speedtest app to measure download speeds in each city.
How We Conducted Tests
To find the best Sprint plans, we ran a side-by-side comparison of all the wireless providers by their data and text plan offerings. We then made a list of the top three highest rated providers in each category.
Fastest Mobile Networks By City
The map below indicates the fastest mobile networks, in terms of median download speed (in Mbps), by US state. In California, T-Mobile leads with a median download speed of 28.0 Mbps. Sprint is close behind at 27.6 Mbps. The average nationwide is 23.4 Mbps, and AT&T has the lowest average download speed at 12.7 Mbps. If you’re on the move, it might be worth checking out your carrier’s data coverage before deciding on a plan.
Fastest Mobile Networks by US State
The U.S. is a large country with many variations in geography and population density, which translates to differences in the fastest mobile networks. There are multiple factors that go into determining what speeds you’ll experience on your phone, from the kind of device you’re using to where you happen to be standing at any given time (in a rural area or downtown).
To help make sense of the fastest mobile networks in America, we looked at data from OpenSignal’s latest State of LTE report and broke it down by state. We started with an overview of the 10 states with the best average download speeds across all devices and then looked more closely at each state individually.
Fastest Mobile Network by Country
T-Mobile is the fastest in the US, followed by Verizon. AT&T and Sprint are neck and neck in third place. If you’re on T-Mobile, you’ll want to switch over to Verizon if you want a faster network.