How to make your screen easier on the eyes

How to make your screen easier on the eyes

Computer screens can strain your eyes, especially if you’re staring at them all day. If you have trouble focusing on what’s on the screen, adjust your computer settings to make the font bigger and easier to read, and set the display to greyscale instead of color so that the images are easier on your eyes as well. With just a few quick changes, you can make your computer more comfortable to use at work or school!

Easy Navigation

Every day we spend a lot of time in front of our screens, which is why it’s so important to know how to set up your computer and smartphone to give you the best viewing experience. Before you jump into anything, take a look at these tips for better visibility and comfort.

  •  Brightness: Adjusting the brightness is one of the most important things you can do as it impacts eye strain as well as helps keep battery life strong.

Dark and light mode

Dark mode will reverse everything, making text light up and turning colors dark. Light mode will go in the opposite direction, switching from black text on a white background to white text on a black background.

The light theme is more eye-friendly for some people, but if you’re at night or somewhere dim and don’t want your device’s screen reflecting those conditions back at you in super high resolution, dark mode may be better. It’s all about what you’re most comfortable with.

Font size

It can be easy to get caught up in what we are doing and forget that it is impacting our physical well-being. Working long hours with such large font sizes and high contrast colors is enough to give anyone a headache, or even severe eye strain. I was feeling this way for a while, until I got an eye examination. Turns out I had lots of dry patches around my eyes and wasn’t blinking enough due to staring at a computer all day.

Color Contrast Section: Disable font smoothing

To disable font smoothing, first navigate to Settings > General > Accessibility. From there, select Display Accommodations and toggle on Reduce Motion. To prevent text from appearing blurry or fuzzy as it’s scaled larger than you’re used to, click Display Scaling under Display Accommodations and pick a smaller resolution such as 150%.

Set line height

You can use a tool like CTRL+ to increase the line height. A higher line height is associated with decreased mental strain, eye-strain, and fatigue. You may also consider switching from black text color over to white or light gray (or any other light color) text for better readability and eye health.

Reduce Motion

Adjusting your settings to reduce motion can help alleviate eyestrain and help you focus for a longer period of time. It is also helpful for those who suffer from chronic eye conditions like glaucoma, dry eye, and light sensitivity.

1) Open System Preferences by clicking System Preferences from the Apple menu at the top left of your screen.

2) Go into General, then Accessibility > Reduce Motion.

Set page scroll speed

A way to reduce eye strain is by adjusting your settings. If you would like for pages to scroll more quickly, you can change it in settings so that the page scrolls at an accelerated speed, depending on how much you want it sped up. Just go into Settings in Safari and tap Speed.

From there, you can choose a desired scrolling speed: low, medium or high. To adjust font size, press firmly on any text and drag up or down until you reach a size that makes reading comfortable.

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